Making commercial payments
After a user is created, the user can have transaction access and limits, system features, and accounts assigned to the user. Once these have been assigned, the user can begin creating payments, accessing their enabled features, and viewing their accounts in online banking immediately.
Be aware of the following when making payments:
- Recipient total amounts must be less than or equal to the approval limits by Transaction Type for the user in order to approve the transaction. However, the user may still be able to draft the transaction as long as the transaction amount does not exceed the transaction limit for that transaction type at the Customer level, per transaction.
- Users must have the Draft and Manage Recipients feature enabled to create templates and new recipient records. However, the feature is not required to create one-time payments from existing templates.
- Users must have Draft Rights to make a payment, as Approve alone will not allow the User to create a payment.
- When a user approves a payment in the template or payment workflow, the payment will be checked against the limits set for that user. If the payment exceeds the limit assigned, the user will receive an error message.
Note: Within the Template Access Right section of the template create or edit workflow, users with the Draft right only enabled can be selected or deselected. Users with the Access to Payment Templates feature enabled will automatically be selected and cannot be unselected.